display bug

Esmond Pitt ejp at ausmelb.OZ
Tue Mar 10 14:56:17 AEST 1987


Suggested patch for 'display', to make it truncate the old output
if the new output is shorter; this goes after the loop which collects
the command output, in display.c:

< 	clrtobot();	/* (new)	*/
> 	clrtoeol();	/* (old)	*/

Esmond Pitt,				ACSnet: ejp at ausmelb.oz
Austec International Ltd,		UUCP: ...!seismo!munnari!ausmelb.oz!ejp
344 St Kilda Rd,			ARPA: ejp%ausmelb.oz.au at SEISMO.CSS.GOV
Melbourne, 3004, AUSTRALIA.		Phone: +61 3 699 4511; Telex: AA38559

Esmond Pitt,				ACSnet: ejp at ausmelb.oz
Austec International Ltd,		UUCP: ...!seismo!munnari!ausmelb.oz!ejp
344 St Kilda Rd,			ARPA: ejp%ausmelb.oz.au at SEISMO.CSS.GOV
Melbourne, 3004, AUSTRALIA.		Phone: +61 3 699 4511; Telex: AA38559

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