Official patch #5 for faces v1.1
Rich Burridge
richb at sunaus.oz
Wed Aug 10 16:29:16 AEST 1988
This is official patch #5 for faces v1.1, please apply it.
It makes the following alterations:
1. I believe I found part, if not all of the memory leakage
problem; famous last words. This was with the help of an
amazing memory leakage tracer program from Mark Brader
<msb at>. In the add_face routine the icon
being loaded in was never destroyed. Many thanks Mark!!
2. Small change to the printer monitoring code in mon.c to output
"job" or "jobs" depending on the number of jobs in the queue.
Thanks to Hans Zuidam <mcvax!nlgvax!hans at munnari.oz> for this
3. Addition of 'W' to the valid getopt options to allow the SunView
window parameters to work. Thanks to Hans Zuidam
<mcvax!nlgvax!hans at munnari.oz> for this fix.
Use Larry Walls' patch program to apply these changes.
I still have various suggestions to go through, and hopefully will
knock out a "final" patch next week.
------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
*** original/get.c Thu Aug 4 12:16:25 1988
--- get.c Wed Aug 10 10:11:19 1988
*** 76,82 ****
extern int optind ;
extern char *optarg ;
int c ;
! char *optlist = "P:af:h:i:ns:tv" ;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optlist)) != EOF)
switch (c)
--- 76,82 ----
extern int optind ;
extern char *optarg ;
int c ;
! char *optlist = "P:af:h:i:ns:tvW" ;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, optlist)) != EOF)
switch (c)
*** 84,89 ****
--- 84,90 ----
case 'P' : mtype = MONPRINTER ; /* Monitor printer queue. */
STRCPY(printer, optarg) ;
break ;
+ case 'W' : break ;
case 'a' : mtype = MONALL ; /* Monitor the whole of the spoolfile. */
break ;
case 'f' : STRCPY(facedir, optarg) ; /* Different directory for face icons. */
*** original/mon.c Thu Aug 4 12:16:56 1988
--- mon.c Tue Aug 9 18:06:10 1988
*** 193,199 ****
if (!stat(this->iconname,&buf))
add_face(ICON, ORDINARY, this->iconname) ;
else add_face(ICON, NOFACE, "") ;
! SPRINTF(nextline, "%1d jobs", noicons) ;
text(ICON, BOTTOMRIGHT, nextline) ; /* Number of jobs. */
ADJUST ; /* Adjust column and row. */
--- 193,199 ----
if (!stat(this->iconname,&buf))
add_face(ICON, ORDINARY, this->iconname) ;
else add_face(ICON, NOFACE, "") ;
! SPRINTF(nextline, "%1d %s", noicons, (noicons == 1 ? "job" : "jobs")) ;
text(ICON, BOTTOMRIGHT, nextline) ; /* Number of jobs. */
ADJUST ; /* Adjust column and row. */
*** original/patchlevel.h Thu Aug 4 12:16:56 1988
--- patchlevel.h Tue Aug 9 18:08:59 1988
*** 16,19 ****
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define PATCHLEVEL 4
--- 16,19 ----
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define PATCHLEVEL 5
No differences encountered
*** original/sunview.c Thu Aug 4 12:16:56 1988
--- sunview.c Wed Aug 10 15:51:34 1988
*** 127,132 ****
--- 127,133 ----
PIX_SRC, face_pr, 0, 0) ;
+ PR_DESTROY(face_pr) ;
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