Interactive Systems (was Re: making ditroff fonts)

T. William Wells bill at proxftl.UUCP
Mon Aug 29 12:52:02 AEST 1988

In article <1988Aug26.200453.12882 at> woods at gpu.utcs.Toronto.EDU (Greg Woods) writes:
: They did, and so did I!  The offending group was Interactive Systems,
: via our local friends at HCR.  According to other documentation, it
: seems that the source form of supplied fonts should also be available,
: which it wasn't, as was the sometimes commented terminfo sources.
: Just as a note, DWB 2.0 is yet-another product sold by ISC without
: manuals.  At least formatted versions of the relevant man pages were on
: the disks.

OH HO! Another poor Interactive Systems victim.

We had a UNIX for our VAX (long since gone) from them.  We got
essentially *no* support.  Aaaarrrrrgh.  The go-rounds we had
with them have convinced us to avoid them whenever possible.

Another example of this was our recent acquisition of their
Ten-Plus system.  The only reason we use it at all is that our
nontechnical staff are too used to it to switch to something else
(but with the improvements in PC tools that may well change).
The horror story was in *getting* it.  Actually in getting their
mail helper.  They took *months* after the promised delivery
date, after many promises of delivery, before we finally got the

ISC has its good points, but their bad points (in customer
relations, mostly) vastly outweigh their good ones.  It's too bad
for the no-doubt many good people in that company that their
efforts are wasted by the rest.  Sigh.

I will *never* recommend to anyone that they buy ISC products
because, no matter how good the product, they will get screwed in


PS.  The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily shared by
anyone else and certainly have not been endorsed by the company.

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