stevie (vi clone) problems...

Dave Rivers rivers at xyzzy.UUCP
Wed Aug 3 03:13:04 AEST 1988

	Being that I am a hard working DG employee, I don't often
have time to experiment, so... 

	I was just getting around to trying out the stevie sources
posted to comp.sources.unix, and I find that I am missing "stevie.h".
Not only am I missing it, according to the supplied MANIFEST, it wasn't
even sent!  
	I was wondering if anyone has been able to compile it, and if
so, how did you do it?  I was initially interested in this for MINIX,
but at the offset I was just trying to get it to compile on my SUN,
or an MV (Running DG/UX - Data General's Sys V.3 clone)
	Thanx in advance...
		- Dave Rivers -
| Time Sharing is the use of     | Dave Rivers:                        |
|  many people by the computer.  |  UUCP {Backbones}!rti!dg-rtp!rivers |
|                                |  Phone: (919) 248-6137              |

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