ARC 5.21 Patch #1

Jon Zeeff zeeff at b-tech.UUCP
Mon Aug 1 23:38:14 AEST 1988

The only problems I had compiling on a Sys V.3 '386 systems were

1) Line 33 of arcdos.c needs to include time.h instead of sys/time.h

2) ftime may be missing - here's one someone gave me

------ cut here -------------------
 * Uglix ftime simulation

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>		/* HACK */

struct timeb *tp;
	time_t time();

	tp->time = time(&tp->time);
	tp->millitm = 0;
	tp->timezone = 5*60;	/* HACK */
	tp->dstflag = 1;	/* HACK */

----- cut here and put in /usr/include/sys/timeb.h -------------

/* structure returned by ftime() */

/* bsd */

struct timeb

	time_t	time;
	unsigned short	millitm;
	short	timezone;
	short	dstflag;

Jon Zeeff           		Branch Technology,
uunet!umix!b-tech!zeeff  	zeeff%b-tech.uucp at

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