Attempting to compile ADL; a quick question
Michael Greim
greim at sbsvax.UUCP
Fri Aug 19 19:35:47 AEST 1988
In article <5400003 at hpfcdc.HP.COM<, cunniff at hpfcdc.HP.COM (Ross Cunniff) writes:
< In article <589 at sbsvax.UUCP< greim at sbsvax.UUCP (Michael Greim) writes:
< <
[stuff deleted]
< <
< It's unlikely that there's any code assuming that pointers are the same
< size as ints, since ADL has been ported to IBM-PC's running MS-DOS.
Were the bugs fixed which I have mailed you in my last posting or
did they just never occur?
< It's quite likely that there's code assuming that "NULL is all bits zero",
< although I haven't run across it. Could you e-mail me a copy of your
< modified adltypes.h as well as a brief description of your machine
< (i.e. byte order in long ints; what does NULL look like; number of bytes
< in an int, a short, a long, a pointer; what is the operating system
< like (BSD, SysV))? ADL itself has been ported to the following computers
< and operating systems (as far as I know):
< Hewlett-Packard 9000, series 300 (68020 based workstation
< running a BSD, SysV hybrid)
< Hewlett-Packard 9000, series 800 (RISC-based computer
< running a BSD, SysV hybrid)
< VAX 11/780 running 4.2 BSD
< Microvax II running VMS
< IBM PC running MS-DOS 2.0
< Amiga personal computer (68000 based PC running a custom O/S)
I assume you mean the original poster and not me.
Add SIEMENS PC-MX2 (SINIX 2.0 [SYSIII/Xenix derived]) and SUN 3/160 (OS 3.5)
to your list. Adl is alive and kicking here.
< < My biggest complaint with adlrun is that is does not use the termcap
< < capability CS to split the screen in two pieces. The top line is used
< < to hold room name and score but it is scrolled off the screen every
< < time when the rest of the screen scrolls. I had too much to do
< < to fix this. Maybe you could look into it.
< Well, that's sort of a feature, since not all terminals have memory lock.
< I suppose that I could have some flag for if the terminal have memory
< lock and use it if so. ADL version 4.0, anybody?
You need not memory lock (ML/MU), but CS (change scrolling region). Normally
this feature is not entered in Termcap specifications, because vi and (standard)
curses don't use it.
Maybe I will add it if I have the time.
< Ross Cunniff
< Hewlett-Packard Colorado Language Lab
< ...{ucbvax,hplabs}!hpda!cunniff
< cunniff%hpda at hplabs.ARPA
UUCP: ...!uunet!unido!sbsvax!greim | Michael T. Greim
or greim at sbsvax.UUCP | Universitaet des Saarlandes
CSNET: greim%sbsvax.uucp at Germany.CSnet| FB 10 - Informatik (Dept. of CS)
ARPA: greim%sbsvax.uucp at uunet.UU.NET | Bau 36, Im Stadtwald 15
voice: +49 681 302 2434 | D-6600 Saarbruecken 11, West Germany
# include <disclaimers/std.h>
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