Making perl 2.0 core dump

Theodore Y. Ts'o tytso at
Sun Aug 14 11:30:43 AEST 1988

I'm running perl 2.0 at patchlevel 13, and the following perl script
causes it to core dump on a Vax....


$foo[0] = 4;
$foo[1] = 6;
$foo[2] = 13;
$foo[3] = 17;

do Bargraph("foo", @foo, 0, $#foo, 1, 0, 20, 1);

# This subroutine does bar graphs....
# Usage is as follows:
# do Bargraph($title, @array, $x_min, $x_max, $x_step, 
#			      $y_min, $y_max, $y_step)

sub Bargraph {
	local ($title, @array, $x_min, $x_max, $x_step,
			       $y_min, $y_max, $y_step) = @_;
	local($x, $y);

	for ($y=$y_max; $y < $y_min; $y += $y_step) {
		for ($x=$x_min; $x < $x_max; $x += $x_step) {
			if ($array[$x] <= $y) {
				print " ";
			} else {
				print "#";
		printf(" %2d\n", $y);

What is the correct way of passing an array to a subroutine in Perl?
(Is there a way?).  Even if I'm doing it wrong, it probably shouldn't
be core dumping....  which it does on the "local($title.....) = @_;".

I haven't had a chance to analyze what's going wrong; but if anyone
has a fix or workaround for the problem, I'd appreciate it.
Theodore Ts'o				mit-eddie!mit-athena!tytso
3 Ames St., Cambridge, MA 02139		tytso at
   Everybody playing the game; but nobody rules are the same!

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