troff2lj problems
John F. Haugh II
jfh at rpp386.UUCP
Fri Aug 12 00:22:18 AEST 1988
In article <363 at uwslh.UUCP> lishka at uwslh.UUCP (Fish-Guts) writes:
>In article <2642 at> cck at (Earl H. Kinmonth) writes:
>>Has anyone brought this up under SCO 286 Unix? I compiled it in
>>several flavors and got an overstruck mess down the left side of
>>the paper.
> I had a problem with the text coming out with bad margins on the
>left side and some overstruck characters on the right side. This
>turned out not to be a problem with troff2lj, but rather it was bad
>troff macro package definitions, particularily -man.
the fixes i've had to use in the past have been redownloading the
soft fonts, or making sure i am using the old C/A/T version of troff.
plexus, in their transfinite wisdom, renamed the old troff to `otroff'
and the new device independent troff has become `troff'. a quick
check of programs SCO includes with their text processing system
reveals that only one troff is included. and if murphy has his way,
it is the WRONG one ;-)
>happening was that (in the macro package) .ll was being used to change
>the default line length to be longer, but .po (page offset, i.e. left
>margin) was *not* being changed to reflect this. This really messed
>up troff.
> Like I said, this may or may not help.
>>E H. Kinmonth Hist. Dept. Univ. of Ca., Davis Davis, Ca. 95616
> -Chris
>Christopher Lishka ...!{rutgers|ucbvax|...}!uwvax!uwslh!lishka
>Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene lishka%uwslh.uucp at
>Immunology Section (608)262-1617 lishka at uwslh.uucp
> ----
>"...Just because someone is shy and gets straight A's does not mean they won't
>put wads of gum in your arm pits."
> - Lynda Barry, "Ernie Pook's Commeek: Gum of Mystery"
John F. Haugh II +--------- Cute Chocolate Quote ---------
HASA, "S" Division | "USENET should not be confused with
UUCP: killer!rpp386!jfh | something that matters, like CHOCOLATE"
DOMAIN: jfh at rpp386.uucp | -- apologizes to Dennis O'Connor
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