autobaud hangup fix

Troy Bergstrand ncbergst at ndsuvax.UUCP
Tue Aug 23 00:47:56 AEST 1988

The version of autobaud that we got off the net did not always successfully
kill -HUP the processes belonging to a terminal that lost its line.

Apply the following diff:

*** old.c	Thu Aug 18 10:29:34 1988
--- autobaud.c	Thu Aug 18 10:25:40 1988
*** 66,75 ****
--- 66,78 ----
  	    chown(ttyname,0,0);			/* make root the owner */
  	    chmod(ttyname,0622);		/* and set the protections */
+ 	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
+ 	vhangup();
  	if (open(ttyname,O_RDWR) != 0)		/* open once for stdin */
  	dup(0);					/* dup for stdout */
  	dup(0);					/* dup for stderr */
+ 	signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
      ttyb.sg_ispeed = ttyb.sg_ospeed = B2400;	/* sample line at 2400 baud */
J. Troy Bergstrand      North Dakota State University,  Fargo, ND  58105
  UUCP:       		...!uunet!ndsuvax!ncbergst    
  BITNET:      		ncbergst at ndsuvax.bitnet
  INTERNET:   		ncbergst at

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