troff2lj problems

Rick Richardson rick at pcrat.UUCP
Fri Aug 19 11:40:00 AEST 1988

In article <169 at fesk.UUCP> sverre at fesk.UUCP (Sverre Froyen) writes:
>I will try to get ditroff2lj in a form suitable for posting to
>comp.sources.misc.  It may take a couple of weeks.  This version is
>not a modification of troff2lj, but rather a rewrite of the mod.sources
>vol. 3 version mentioned above.  Like the original version of troff2lj
>it only works with font cartridges.  It works quite well with the
>K-cartridge and reasonable well with the Z-cartridge.  I use it with
>the K- and J-cartridges and use the J-cartridge for the CW fonts.

We may have two ditroff to HP LJ Series II packages to choose from then.
It appears, pending the completion of a port to BSD, that our package,
"JetRoff"(tm) will find it's way to comp.sources.misc.  JetRoff already runs
under System V.2 and V.3.  JetRoff will be posted as Shareware, so for
the *really poor* folks out there you can get Sverre's program.  But
for a really complete version, you'll want to wait for JetRoff:

	- Includes R, I, B, H, HI, HB, HD, CW, S, SI, and ST fonts
	  in sizes 4-40, stored in a compressed format.
	- Can use HP compatible Soft Fonts.
	- Downloads glyphs as needed
	- Supports all pic, eqn, tbl, and grap documents
	- Can include three different types of bitmaps in your
	  documents via simple macro.  Ability to add user defined types.
	- Text automatically flows around the bitmap (if you want to).
	- Can print in landscape or portrait orientations
	- Can print multiple logical pages per physical page
	- Can print 4 manual pages on front and back of legal paper
	- Automatic Adaptive Rasterization allows complex pic diagrams
	  to print on the HP, where other commercial products just
	  come up with the ERROR 21. 
	- Has already been ported to the $#!&% 80286.

JetRoff isn't a rewrite of anything.  It was written from scratch
with the goal being a complete implementation.  I couldn't see paying
$800 and up for software to support a lousy $1600 printer!

Vix: would you pay *a reasonable amount* for Shareware?
Net: Should I post now, and post BSD patches later?

		Rick Richardson, PC Research, Inc.

(201) 542-3734 (voice, nights)   OR     (201) 389-8963 (voice, days)
uunet!pcrat!rick (UUCP)			rick%pcrat.uucp at (INTERNET)

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