ARC 5.21 patch #1 - Ooops

Darryl Okahata darrylo at hpsrli.HP.COM
Tue Aug 9 02:12:00 AEST 1988

     Has anyone got a patch to make Howard Chu's version of Arc (the one
that was recently posted) work with "crunched" files (note: that is
"crunched" with a small "c", not a capital "C")?  It doesn't work with
ancient "crunched" files (it goes into an infinite loop).

     -- Darryl Okahata
	{hplabs!hpccc!, hpfcla!} hpsrla!darrylo
	CompuServe: 75206,3074

P.S. -- Kudos to Howard Chu for making the port.  This version works
better that all other versions that I've seen.

Disclaimer: the above is the author's personal opinion and is not the
opinion or policy of his employer or of the little green men that
have been following him all day.

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