v05i077: gnu diff for MSDOS

Michael Haberler mah at hpuviea.UUCP
Tue Dec 13 19:11:23 AEST 1988

If you have a free() which overwrites malloc()'ed storage, like Microsoft
C, then comment out the statement


around line 497 of file diff.c. Otherwise, if the second file argument to
diff is a directory, the filename in a context diff gets mangled.
Michael Haberler		mah at hpuviea.uucp 
Hewlett-Packard Austria GmbH, 	...mcvax!tuvie!hpuviea!mah
Lieblgasse 1 			...hplabs!hpfcla!hpbbn!hpuviea!mah
A-1220 Vienna, Austria		Tel: (0043) (222) 2500 x412 (9-18 CET) 	

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