Bug alleged in ispell

99700000 haynes at ucscc.UCSC.EDU
Fri Dec 2 14:31:16 AEST 1988

	Someone was getting segmentation fault when using ispell, so I looked
	at their text, and by dividing it in half repeatedly, I was able
	to narrow the segmentation fault to:
	The actual sentence was:
		Reuleaux's Triangle and Curves of Constant Width
	Apparently if you have this sequence of letters in your file (but only
	if they are at the end of the very first word on a line!?), ispell
	quits with a segmentation fault message.  Actually a file containing
	exactly these three characters and nothing else crashes ispell
	The problem was originally reported on a VAX, but I've been doing the
	test on the Sun.  

haynes at ucscc.ucsc.edu
haynes at ucscc.bitnet

"Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an Art."
        Charles McCabe, San Francisco Chronicle

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