Xconq bugs

Alan Wexelblat wex at banzai-inst.SW.MCC.COM
Wed Jul 13 06:55:43 AEST 1988

I was glad to see the new version of xconq; however, I am disappointed by a
number of core-dump-producing bugs I have seen so far.  In particular,
several of the periods do not work at all, simply core dumping without ever
starting up (beirut & conquist in particular).

It is also possible to produce a core dump by saving a game and restarting
it with a different list of displays than the original, eg:

   foo % xconq -e 6 -v &
   <xconq comes up, is played for a while and then is saved>
   foo % xconq bar:0 -e 6 -v &

Xconq tries to reread the save file and promptly core dumps.

I also get core dumps if I'm playing with another human and the other human
starts to read the help screens when it's not his turn.  If the help screens
(which are very nice, by the way) are still up when it becomes his turn,
xconq gets an IOT, tries a panic save, and core dumps.

I'm also disappointed at the stupidity of the robots.  They don't have any
aggressiveness; for example, if I have a unit sitting next to one of their
cities which contains units they don't even attack my unit.  In the starwars
period they don't do *anything*.

It also seems odd that one infantry unit (standard period) can destroy two
infantries and capture two armors just because they happened to be sitting
in a town.  It ought to be harder to defeat units in a town, right?  And you
ought not to be able to capture a town while there are functional enemies
inside it.

Ah, well, perhaps in version 6.

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