Xconq bugs
Chris Christensen
cnc at hpcilzb.HP.COM
Thu Jul 14 02:00:03 AEST 1988
>>I was glad to see the new version of xconq; however, I am disappointed by a
>>number of core-dump-producing bugs I have seen so far. In particular,
>>several of the periods do not work at all, simply core dumping without ever
>>starting up (beirut & conquist in particular).
>There will be a set of patches soon, although coredumps in beirut are news
>to me. What system are you using?
This is the bug I posted about earlier that is caused by the buildings
revolting. There was a bug in this code that I sent to Stan.
true B neutral
in the beirut.per file and it will avoid the buga and run better anyway.
>>I also get core dumps if I'm playing with another human and the other human
>>starts to read the help screens when it's not his turn. If the help screens
>>(which are very nice, by the way) are still up when it becomes his turn,
>>xconq gets an IOT, tries a panic save, and core dumps.
>This is also one I haven't heard of before, but then nobody at Utah ever
>seems to read the help screens. :-(
We have seen that one also. We also have a problem with xconq hanging
when two players are playing.
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