perl 2.0 ('\\\\' eq "\\\\") bug?

Bob Best bob at
Sat Jul 16 03:57:35 AEST 1988

The man page for perl 2.0 states (on page 6):
	  String literals are delimited	by either single or double
	  quotes.  They	work much like shell quotes: double-quoted
	  string literals are subject to backslash and variable
	  substitution;	single-quoted strings are not.
Perl considers '\\\\' identical to "\\\\" as evidenced by the following:

if ('\\\\' eq "\\\\") {print "equal\n";} else {print "not equal\n";};

Compare this with:

if ('\n\n' eq "\n\n") {print "equal\n";} else {print "not equal\n";};

Bob Best
uucp: ...{trwrb,hplabs}!felix!dhw68k!bob	InterNet: bob at

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