news 2.11 ihave/sendme bug

John F. Haugh II jfh at rpp386.UUCP
Thu Jul 28 15:38:59 AEST 1988

In article <5434 at haddock.ISC.COM> craigk at (Craig Kolb) writes:
>There is a bug in the c_ihave() routine of 2.11 rnews which keeps
>sendme messages from being generated in response to ihave messages on
>USG systems.
>The problem lies in the fact that USG systems to not seek to EOF after
>fopening a file for appending until a write() is performed.  Thus, the
>first call to ftell() in c_ihave() returns 0 rather than the size of
>the temporary file, the code inside the while loop is never executed,
>and no articles are requested.

i just finished checking the source for control.c here.  i am running
ihave/sendme for my primary news feed and i am also running ihave/sendme
for an alt feed.  i don't have trouble with my primary feed though we
are having trouble with the alt feed.  there is no fseek() present prior
to the while() loop as would seem to be required.

i've checked control for sendme's being sent out.  they are in deed
being sent.

- john.
John F. Haugh II                 +--------- Cute Chocolate Quote ---------
HASA, "S" Division               | "USENET should not be confused with
UUCP:   killer!rpp386!jfh        |  something that matters, like CHOCOLATE"
DOMAIN: jfh at rpp386.uucp          |             -- with my apologizes

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