ARC521 posted resently

Frank Geerling frankg at nikhefk.UUCP
Sun Jul 10 23:23:04 AEST 1988

I have trouble in compiling arclzw.c on my MEGA ST2 it goes wrong at line 57
(MWC 1.1)

57	struct entry {		/* string table entry format */
58		char            used;	/* true when this entry is in use */
59		unsigned char   follower;	/* char following string */
60		unsigned short  next;	/* ptr to next in collision list */
61		unsigned short  predecessor;	/* code for preceeding string */
62	};            /* string_tab[TABSIZE];	/* the code string table */

On the unix-side (BSD4.3) I had no trouble at all compiling.

At the atari side it complaints about nested comments oke I can see that
so I put an additional */ in between then it starts complaining about 
a missing { at line 57 . 

Another compilation problem occurs when compiling arcsqs.c :

In the file arcsqs.c the compiler complaints about to long array
in line 52, is this the well know bug of MWC 1.1 ?


33	#define BITS   13		/* maximum bits per code */
34	#define HSIZE  10007		/* 80% occupancy */
35	#define INIT_BITS 9		/* initial number of bits/code */

52	long     htab[HSIZE];		/* hash code table   (crunch) */
53	unsigned short codetab[HSIZE];	/* string code table (crunch) */
					/*prefix code table (uncrunch)*/
55	static unsigned short *prefix = codetab;
					/*suffix table (uncrunch) */
56	static unsigned char *suffix=(unsigned char *)htab;
57	static int      free_ent;	/* first unused entry */
58	static int      firstcmp;	/* true at start of compression */
59	unsigned char stack[HSIZE];	/* local push/pop stack */

I would appreciate it if someone would help me with this.

			   Frank Geerling
			(frankg at nikhefk.uucp)

Usenet:		{seismo, philabs, decvax}!mcvax!frankg at nikhefk

Normal mail:	Frank Geerling
		Postbus 4395
		1009 AJ Amsterdam
		The Netherlands

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