perl 2.0 patch - (nf)

kebsch at nixpbe kebsch at nixpbe
Mon Jul 18 05:10:00 AEST 1988


here my experience with the mail server from "lwall at ..."

perl-1.0, part20-  : about 3 hours between the request and the response!
perl-2.0, patch9-  : about 4 hours between the request and the response!

Every part arrived here!! Don't forget, I'm sitting in West-Germany!
I'm wondering why so much people requesting for "can somebody mail me.."?
It's so easy! So folks: switch on your brain before mailing: "** HELP!!! **".
I'm starting with reading before I'm porting any software and you can see,
my English is not very good. :-)

Best regards

Waldemar (DK3VN)
UUCP ....:   {uunet,mcvax}!unido!nixpbe!kebsch
NERV ....:   kebsch.pad
Papermail:   Waldemar Kebsch, Nixdorf Computer AG, Entwicklungstechnik,
	     Pontanusstr. 55, D-4790 Paderborn, W-Germany
Phone ...:   [nation]-5251-14-6155

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