WANTED: updates to PS (postscript previewer/interpreter)

Jon Sweedler cjosta at taux01.UUCP
Mon Jul 4 17:02:06 AEST 1988

I have the source to PS but I missed any bug fixes or enhancements for 
it that were mailed to the net.  I am having somre problems getting PS
installed, so if anyone has any updates, could they please mail them
to me.  Thanks in advance.
Jon Sweedler    ======    National Semiconductor  (Israel)
  Snail:   6 Maskit st., P.O.B. 3007,Herzlia B 46104, Israel
    UUCP:    {ames!amdahl,hplabs,sun,decwrl}!nsc!taux01!cjosta
      Domain:  cjosta at taux01.nsc.com

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