Haugh's "env"

John F. Haugh II jfh at rpp386.UUCP
Sat Jul 16 08:36:16 AEST 1988

In article <168 at quintus.UUCP> ok at quintus () writes:
>"john f. haugh ii" recently sent out public domain code which implements
>the System V "env" command.  There are a number of problems:

thanks for the debugging, but as i said in the posting i was actually
waiting for my plexus p/95 to crash when i wrote that.

did anyone else find anything because i kind of like env and i was
going to put mine on my 7th edition box ...

- john.
John F. Haugh II                 +--------- Cute Chocolate Quote ---------
HASA, "S" Division               | "USENET should not be confused with
UUCP:   killer!rpp386!jfh        |  something that matters, like CHOCOLATE"
DOMAIN: jfh at rpp386.uucp          |             -- with my apologizes

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