JOVE Problems with SYSV

Stephen Joyce rommel at runx.ips.oz
Tue Jul 26 23:47:19 AEST 1988

In attempting to compile the JOVE editor for my NS32k system (SYSVR2),
I come up against a few problems (mainly to do with curses).
The linker cannot find.... BC, UP, or PC in the curses library (& SP
is multiply defined ).
	Has anyone else using JOVE on a System 5 machine had similar
problems or is my curses library deficient??


Stephen Joyce & Michael Katzmann / ATN Channel 7 Sydney. Engineering

ACSnet: rommel at runx.ips				CSNET:	rommel at runx.ips.oz
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"No more things should be presumed to exist than are absolutly necessary."
						  - William Occam (1280-1349)

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