Problem with Spacewar under Sys V, dbm.h

Tim Lorello timim at ihlpg.ATT.COM
Wed Jun 8 13:59:43 AEST 1988

In article <2089 at sugar.UUCP>, karl at sugar.UUCP (Karl Lehenbauer) writes:
> I couldn't get spacewar to compiler under Microport Sys V/AT, 'cuz the
> dbm stuff isn't apparently present.  A quick pass through the clunky
> red AT&T Unix System User's Manual didn't show them to be present, at
> all, but that manual's so fragmented that it would have been easy to
> miss.  Before digging in, I thought I'd ask if anyone was already working
> on this and/or found or knew of a solution. -k
> -- 
> ..!{bellcore!tness1,uunet!nuchat}!sugar!karl, Unix BBS (713) 438-5018

I had a similar problem - could you please post the answer (if anyone has


			Tim Lorello
			AT&T Bell Laboratories

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