"MUSH" make problem

Dan Heller dheller at cory.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Jun 14 08:47:32 AEST 1988

In article <32 at urartu.UUCP> dbd at urartu.UUCP (David Davidian) writes:
> I recently received a copy of the "mush" mailer. (Mail Users Shell version 5.6)

Mush never supported sys-v pre-6.0.  It did support xenix in 5.7, but
by a narrow margin.  I suggest you get 6.0 with the 6.1 and 6.2 update patches.
The 6.3 update patches will be available RSN.  At this time, I will make
the entire source avialble via ftp from ucbvax.

Dan Heller	<island!argv at sun.com>

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