Misbehavior in Jove

Sean Kamath kamath at reed.UUCP
Sat Jun 18 03:56:46 AEST 1988

In article <1618 at iscuva.ISCS.COM> jimc at iscuva.ISCS.COM (Jim Cathey) writes:
>>[mention of ^N giving newlines, when could be better used.]
>Hear hear!  I've always hated that feature, and since I'm the one who 
>installed GNU Emacs here I took it out completely!  Local standards by fiat!

Have you folks ever heard of bind-to-key?  If you don't like ^N giving you
newlines at the end of the file, then bind it to something else!  I have
mine bound to next-line.  So type "ESC X bind-to-key end-of-file ^N" and be
done with it.  That's why Emacs is called Emacs -- editing macros.  You can
create your own macros, and bind those to keys, too.

>On an unrelated issue...  Is anyone else disgusted by the misuse of the
>term 'meta' in the microemacsen?  It looks like they just did a global-
>search-and-replace of Meta for ESC!  (Leading to such silliness as "...press
>the Meta key to stop the search.")

The meta-key is also bindable.  There is a variable called meta-key, which,
when on, allows the use of a real meta key.  But if you want, you can bind
'`' to meta, as a *lot* of macintosh users have done. . .

>! II      CCCCCC !  Jim Cathey

Sean Kamath
UUCP:  {decvax allegra ucbcad ucbvax hplabs ihnp4}!tektronix!reed!kamath
CSNET: reed!kamath at Tektronix.CSNET  ||  BITNET: reed!kamath at PSUVAX1.BITNET
ARPA:  reed!kamath at PSUVAX1.CS.PSU.EDU
US Snail: 3934 SE Boise, Portland, OR  97202-3126 (I hate 4 line .sigs!)

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