minor annoyance in patch patch #10, #11

Scott Sutherland scott at bu-ma.bu.edu
Fri Jun 17 03:27:12 AEST 1988

The new Configure script for Larry Wall's patch program doesn't build
a new config.h if there's an old one around, since config.SH doesn't
appear in MANIFEST.  It also doesn't warn you that it didn't make a
new one, so I was very confused for a while.

This is indeed a minor point, but seems easy to fix.

One other small thing is an improper declaration in util.c for
hupval/intval and my_exit.  I always get the following:

cc -c -O  util.c
"util.c", line 245: warning: illegal pointer combination
"util.c", line 248: warning: illegal pointer combination

on both a Sun 3 running SUN OS 3.4, and on a Celerity 1200.

	Scott Sutherland			
	scott at bu-ma.bu.edu
	Boston University Math Department

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