How to start newgetty

Barry S. Berg barry at n0atp.UUCP
Wed Jun 15 19:04:39 AEST 1988

Sorry to post this but can't seem to mail this bounces it 
with a host unknown message as follows:

>     ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>  bad system name: stp
>  uux failed. code 68
>  550 stp.uucp!michael... Host unknown
interesting as it was sent to stb
 anyway please excuse the posting.

To: michael at stb.uucp
Subject: how to start your newgetty???
Date: Mon Jun 13 21:00:03 1988
From: barry at (Barry S. Berg)
Message-Id: <8806132101.AA18206 at n0atp.N0ATP.MN.ORG>


Thank you for submitting your newgetty program to the net.  I do have
one question for you though.  How do I set up to call newgetty with
the b option by enabling a port.  I can't seem to figure out how to
do that, and I have checked all of SCO's documentation I could find
concerning getty.  I would like to have it started up for a regular
port, and the only way I can think to do it is by establishing a
gettydefs entry with the program of _getty b_ instead of login.

Any suggestions??



Barry S. Berg                         UUCP: {...}amdahl!bungia!n0atp!barry
N0ATP Packet Radio Gateway            Domain: barry at

Barry S. Berg                  	  DOMAIN: barry at n0atp.N0ATP.MN.ORG
N0ATP Packet Radio Gateway        UUCP: {...}amdahl!bungia!n0atp!barry
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