patch 2.0 patch #11

Lawrence F. Strickland larry at jc3b21.UUCP
Thu Jun 16 21:17:48 AEST 1988

>From article <3183 at cognos.UUCP>, by glee at cognos.uucp (Godfrey Lee):
> In article <560 at gamma.UUCP> jeb at gamma.UUCP (John Berry) writes:
>>I seem to have missed patch # 9  for patch 2.0. Could some nice
>>soul please mail me a copy.
> I seem to have missed it too, please also send me a copy.

It appears that an AWFUL lot of people (me too!) missed patch #9.  Can anyone
tell me if it is available from an archive server anywhere.

Failing that, is it available ANYWHERE near Flordia?

Failing that, could someone please re-post it.  No one in this area that I have
talked to has been able to locate it.


+--------------------------------------+-- St. Petersburg Junior College --+
|        Lawrence F. Strickland        |   P.O. Box 13489                  |
| ...gatech!codas!usfvax2!jc3b21!larry |   St. Petersburg, FL 33733        |
+-(or) ...gatech!usfvax2!jc3b21!larry -+-- Phone: +1 813 341 4705 ---------+

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