patch to "send" program

Keith Gabryelski ag at elgar.UUCP
Thu Jun 23 03:09:26 AEST 1988

   Date: 20 Jun 88 12:58:44 EDT (Mon)
   From: flash at lehi3b15.UUCP (Stephen Corbesero)

   I just compiled and installed the send (et al) stuff.  I am running on a
   System V, R2.1 (AT&T 3B15), and it does not seem to write to the .sends
   file properly for another user.  I create the .sends with a 622 protection,
   but the system only works properly if i send/reply to/from myself.

It is a bug in send.c.  I used "a+" instead of "a" in the fopen() for
the sends file.

I seemed to have done this in another place, also.  A patch for send.c

< 				if ((fp = fopen(sends_filename, "a+")) !=
> 				if ((fp = fopen(sends_filename, "a")) !=
< 	if ((fp = fopen(dead_filename, "a+")) != (FILE *)NULL)
> 	if ((fp = fopen(dead_filename, "a")) != (FILE *)NULL)
pax, Keith
  "If green is all there is to be, then green is good enough for me" - ktf
[  Keith   ]  UUCP: {ucsd, cbosgd!crash, sdcsvax!crash, nosc!crash}!elgar!ag
[Gabryelski]  INET: ag at                 ARPA: elgar!ag at
  "If green is all there is to be, then green is good enough for me" - ktf
[  Keith   ]  UUCP: {ucsd, cbosgd!crash, sdcsvax!crash, nosc!crash}!elgar!ag
[Gabryelski]  INET: ag at                 ARPA: elgar!ag at

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