Bugs in RN

Peter Jeremy peter at stcns3.stc.oz
Fri Jun 3 16:09:59 AEST 1988

I am trying to get RN running on my 80286 under Xenix.  During the process
of shoehorning it into small model (64kI + 64kD), I have run into a couple
of problems:
1) defining VERBOSE without TERSE causes some 'verbose undefined' error
   messages in several files due to the use of 'if' and 'else' instead of
   'IF' and 'ELSE'.  These I have fixed.
2) attempting to undefine PUSHBACK results in pushchar() becoming undefined,
   although it is still used by art.c ng.c rcstuff.c rn.c.  Has anyone else
   run into this problem?  Can I fix it by altering term.c so that
   pushchar (and its associated data arrays) are defined outside the
   #ifdef PUSHBACK/#endif block, or will this break something else?

I think I'm only just over 64kI, so I would prefer to keep squeezing
rather than go to a larger model (the linker is very unhelpful about
segment overflow problems).

The code I have is RN version 4.3, patchlevel 40.

If/When I get it running, I will post the necessary changes (there are
quite a few necessary to Configure).
Peter Jeremy  (VK2PJ)       ACS:  peter at stcns3.stc.OZ
Alcatel-STC Australia       ARPA: peter%stcns3.stc.OZ.AU at uunet.UU.NET
Gnd Floor, 41 Mandible St,  UUCP: {enea,hplabs,mcvax,uunet,ukc}!\
Alexandria  NSW  2015 AUSTRALIA    munnari!stcns3.stc.OZ.AU!peter

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