v15i036: Hash long identifiers into unique short ones

Geoff Kuenning geoff at desint.UUCP
Sat Jun 11 08:24:09 AEST 1988

I made a slight error while creating the shar file for this, and shipped
an RCS file (lcc.sh,v) rather than the source file for lcc.sh.  You can
retrieve the correct source for lcc.sh by editing lcc.sh,v as follows:

    (1) Delete everything up to the line:

	@: Use bin/sh

    (2) Remove the leading "@" sign from that line, so that it reads:

	@: Use bin/sh

    (3) Search for the next "@" sign in the file (it is alone on a line), and
	delete that line and all subsequent lines.

    (4) Rename the file from lcc.sh,v to lcc.sh.

Sorry about the oversight.
	Geoff Kuenning   geoff at ITcorp.com   {uunet,trwrb}!desint!geoff

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