Ease problems/bugs

Rich Kaul kaul at tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
Fri Mar 25 01:29:55 AEST 1988

I tried to reply by mail, but your mailer didn't work :-)

In article <960 at blade.UUCP> schnitz at bellcore.com writes:
>Here is an example of my problem.  With the following ease input:
>	/* format of a total name */
>	macro
>		m_defaddr = "${m_sreladdr}ifset (m_sname,  (${m_sname}))";
>I should get something very much like the following output:
>	# format of a total name
>	Dq$g$?x ($x)$.
>But instead, I get
>	Dq$gifset (m_sname, ($x))
>which is clearly wrong.

The problem is in your m_defaddr declaration.  My guess is that you used
cfc to generate this line, and cfc has a bug on this point.  The correct
macro to use is:
	m_defaddr = concat ("${m_sreladdr}", ifset (m_sname," (${m_sname})"));

When all else fails, read the manual...

>Another question, is the P (postmaster) option a normal sendmail
>option?  Is it standard in SUN sendmail, but not in others?

According to one of the N+1 RFCs (where N is well on the way to infinity),
each machine must have a postmaster.  If you have any questions about this,
feel free to drop me a line.

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