smail 2.5 smart-host fix
John Owens
john at jetson.UUCP
Tue May 3 04:53:03 AEST 1988
smail 2.5 does not use the smart-host routing unless REROUTE is the
routing option. I, at least, don't consider this the proper behavior;
if you agree with me, and want to use smart-host without REROUTE defined,
make the following change to resolve.c. (Sorry, I don't have diff -c,
so this is a regular diff, followed by the original lines.)
< if((routing == REROUTE) && (i == 0)) {
> if(i == 0) {
** Routing, when required, is the next step.
** We route the address if we have a ROUTE form
** or if we have a UUCP form and we are told to
** route ALWAYS or REROUTE (i.e., routing != JUSTDOMAIN)
if((rsvp( form ) == ROUTE)
||((rsvp( form ) == UUCP) && (routing != JUSTDOMAIN ))) {
int look_smart = 0;
if(i == 0) {
look_smart = 1; /* last chance */
John Owens SMART HOUSE Development Venture
john at jetson.UUCP (old uucp) uunet!jetson!john
+1 301 249 6000 (internet) john%jetson.uucp at
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