Mush 6.2 under SCO Xenix

Mike Howard how at milhow1.UUCP
Sun May 29 07:56:59 AEST 1988

In article <3679 at pasteur.Berkeley.Edu> dheller at cory.Berkeley.EDU.UUCP (Dan Heller) writes:
>In article <706 at jclyde.UUCP> root at jclyde.UUCP (The Super User) writes:
>>up (under shell mode) I get a message saying that it can't lock the mail
>>file.  When I try to start up under curses mode I get a segmentation violation
>>and am asked nicely if I want a core dump.  Anybody else having these troubles?
>	if (Access(filename, W_OK) || lockf(fd, F_TLOCK, 0L)) /* system-v */
Make it (char *)0 so that you get the right thing (not that it matters
all that much) for all 286 code models.  I had to do this to make mush6.2

It also core dumped on a segment violation, so I chucked it.
Mike Howard

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