lmail patch
Jon Zeeff
zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us
Tue Nov 8 00:36:04 AEST 1988
Here is a fix for lmail as it was posted to comp.sources.misc to allow
multiple names on an alias line.
From: umix!cs.buffalo.edu!kitty!gladys!rbdc!andy (Andy Pitts)
You are reading the lines from the alias file with a "%s %s" format
string in a fscanf call. This gets the name ok but will copy only the
next field (separated with whitespace) into the variable line. This
works ok unless there is more than one alias or program name. It will
also not pass any arguments to a program and mess up the next call to
fscanf if there is more than one alias.
*** lmail.c.old Wed Nov 2 04:47:30 1988
--- lmail.c Wed Nov 2 04:51:09 1988
*** 307,313
* find a matching line in aliases
! while (fscanf(aliases, "%s %s", file, line) > 0) {
if (strcmp(file, table[i].dest) == 0)
--- 307,316 -----
* find a matching line in aliases
! /*
! * fix fscanf to read rest of line into "line" AMP
! */
! while (fscanf(aliases, "%s %[^\n]", file, line) > 0) {
if (strcmp(file, table[i].dest) == 0)
*** 313,318
if (!feof(aliases)) { /* we found one in aliases */
p = line;
(void) strcpy(owner, MAILMAN);
} else {
--- 316,326 -----
if (!feof(aliases)) { /* we found one in aliases */
p = line;
+ /*
+ * dump any leading white space AMP
+ */
+ if(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
+ p++;
(void) strcpy(owner, MAILMAN);
} else {
Jon Zeeff Ann Arbor, MI
umix!b-tech!zeeff zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us
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