less5 - need for sanity (was: - 2 fixes and an enhancement...)
Ozan Yigit
oz at yunexus.UUCP
Sat Oct 1 03:18:16 AEST 1988
In article <12247 at steinmetz.ge.com> (bill davidsen) writes:
>Could I suggest that it would be appropriate to have the author gather
>all of the patches, evaluate them, and either release a new version or a
>single patch file which will apply all of the valid fixes?
I second that... I have halted the installation of the latest less on my
site because of various (irritating) incompatibilities, and I am not about
to use everyone's favorite feature (especially if not sane enough to be
#ifdef FEATURE-enclosed) or patch on it. We just have TOO MANY users of
this program.
I am also curious why everyone is jumping in head first with their
favorite patch and/or feature, as though there is a race to "extend/fix
less" !! Whatever happened to the courteous practice of feeding such
changes to the author first, and giving a chance for "official patches"
to be posted ??
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