Rick Richardson
rick at pcrat.UUCP
Wed Oct 26 18:49:54 AEST 1988
In article <122 at falc1.ATT.COM> cris at falc1.ATT.COM (cris) writes:
>I am trying to get Jetroff to work on a 3B2/600 running SVR3.1.1.
>My problem is this: I can get Jetroff to compile and run clean,
>but every font I have tried has some specific problems.
>Trouble means that the character is printed in the wrong point size,
>at the wrong location on the page, or not printed at all.
I know of two ways this can happen. One way is a portability bug
in the code which was fixed by Patch01. 3B2's are specifically
the machines that made the bug show up. Patch01 was previously
posted here, and should show up in comp.sources.misc any day now.
Also, anon uucp (see signature).
The other way this happens is if your line printer spooler is not
passing all 8 bits without any additions, deletions, or changes.
The symptoms are identical.
As far as Series I support goes, I've made a number of changes
in that area, but have no Series I to test against. The changes
are in Patch02, which hasn't been posted yet, but which can be
picked up via anon uucp (see signature). They are also in the
Beta 2.1 release that registered users have access to. In fact,
Patch02 is waiting for someone, like yourself, to give a little
go/no go feedback on Patch02.
Rick Richardson | JetRoff "di"-troff to LaserJet Postprocessor|uunet!pcrat!dry2
PC Research,Inc.| Mail: uunet!pcrat!jetroff; For anon uucp do:|for Dhrystone 2
uunet!pcrat!rick| uucp jetroff!~jetuucp/file_list ~nuucp/. |submission forms.
jetroff Wk2200-0300,Sa,Su ACU {2400,PEP19200} 12013898963 "" \r ogin: jetuucp
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