Localtime3 compile bug--how to fix?

Eric Robert Jablow ejablow at dasys1.UUCP
Thu Apr 27 15:41:03 AEST 1989

When trying to make localtime3 on a Sun 3 running SUN OS 3.4,
I get an error involving a type mismatch in a pointer comparison.  The
only option I'm using is -Dstrchr=index.  Can anyone help me?

Please use email--I'll summarize responses.

Eric Jablow                      {allegra,philabs,cmcl2}!hombre\
Big Electric Cat Public Unix           {bellcore,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!ejablow
New York, NY, USA	 	 
New address:	eric%sbmath at sbee.sunysb.edu.

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