elm "1.5" source bugs...

Daniel A. Glasser dag at per2.UUCP
Sat Apr 8 02:36:10 AEST 1989

I've just finished porting ELM 1.5 to my Zilog Zeus (SYS III 3.21)
unix system and in the process found several minor problems with
the source code.  I have sent mail to Dave Taylor at the address given
in the documentation (taylor at hplabs.HP.COM) which has specifics and
offers the diffs, but I'm not sure he's still at that address.

I won't go into detail on the changes I made here, but I would like
to list the specific things that I ran into:

 + Some modules used functions returning pointer to character without
   declaring the functions.  In some cases the result of the function
   was cast to char *, but that is not sufficient when sizeof int !=
   sizeof (char *).  The functions that I remember off the top of my
   head are malloc, strcpy, getenv, strtok, and strpbrk.  I think there
   were a few more.

 + Some non-vararg functions were called with the wrong number or
   types of parameters.  In save_opts.c there was one case of an int
   passed into a char *, and one case of a long passed into an int.
   (save_option_sort and one of the calls to save_option_number.)

 + The Configure script assumed that I had gethostname erroneously.

There were the usual problems with vararg functions when programming
on this system which I cleared up in what I believe to be portable

I have a set of differences for the source files which I hope to send
to Dave.  If he is not interested, I will either mail the differences
to r$ or post them to comp.sources.bugs, depending on what r$ requests.

					Daniel A. Glasser
    Daniel A. Glasser                           One of those things that goes
    uwvax!per2!dag                              "BUMP!!!(ouch)" in the night. 
 ---Persoft, Inc.---------465 Science Drive-------Madison, WI 53711-----------

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