bugs in sc help.c

Jonathan I. Kamens jik at athena.mit.edu
Fri Apr 28 20:34:22 AEST 1989

There are a few very minor typos in the help page for financial
calculations in help.c of the sources for sc recently posted to the
network.  A context diff of the corrected help.c is below.

Jonathan Kamens			              USnail:
MIT Project Athena				410 Memorial Drive, No. 223F
jik at Athena.MIT.EDU				Cambridge, MA 02139-4318
Office: 617-253-4261			      Home: 617-225-8218

*** /tmp/,RCSt1001764	Fri Apr 28 06:31:27 1989
--- help.c	Fri Apr 28 06:26:24 1989
*** 312,326 ****
  "                       years (360 months).",
  " ",
  "     @fv(e1,e2,e3)     @fv(100,.005,36) computes the future value",
! "                       for of 36 monthly payments of $100 at 6%",
  "                       interest (.005 per month).  It answers the",
! "                       question:  ``How much will I have in 2",
! "                       years if I deposit $100 per month in a",
  "                       savings account paying 6% interest com-",
  "                       pounded monthly?''",
  " ",
  "     @pv(e1,e2,e3)     @pv(1000,.015,36) computes the present",
! "                       value of an a ordinary annuity of 36",
  "                       monthly payments of $1000 at 18% annual",
  "                       interest.  It answers the question: ``How",
  "                       much can I borrow at 18% for 30 years if I",
--- 312,326 ----
  "                       years (360 months).",
  " ",
  "     @fv(e1,e2,e3)     @fv(100,.005,36) computes the future value",
! "                       of 36 monthly payments of $100 at 6%",
  "                       interest (.005 per month).  It answers the",
! "                       question:  ``How much will I have in 36",
! "                       months if I deposit $100 per month in a",
  "                       savings account paying 6% interest com-",
  "                       pounded monthly?''",
  " ",
  "     @pv(e1,e2,e3)     @pv(1000,.015,36) computes the present",
! "                       value of an ordinary annuity of 36",
  "                       monthly payments of $1000 at 18% annual",
  "                       interest.  It answers the question: ``How",
  "                       much can I borrow at 18% for 30 years if I",

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