Official patch #3 for mp v2.0; please apply it.

Rich Burridge richb at sunchat.oz
Mon Apr 10 13:30:12 AEST 1989

It fixes several problems, and adds an enhancement.

1/ Bug report and fix from Jimmy Aitken <>
   On a Pyramid, in the ucb universe, 'strings.h' is required, not
   'string.h'. I've changed this to remove the #include for
   <string.h> and insert a declaration for 'char *strcpy()', which
   was the only definition needed from this file, and simplifies the

2/ mp has been run through lint, and a few slight modifications made.

3/ Bug report and fix from Jimmy Aitken <>
   An 'exit(0);' is required or else the shell gets' a garbage exit

4/ Bug report and fix from Jimmy Aitken <>
   Pyramid compiler didn't like the negation of a character array as
   a logical value.

5/ Bug report and fix from Jimmy Aitken <>
   The line warapping technique didn't work correctly for long lines
   containg TAB characters.

6/ Bug report and fix from Hugues Leroy <>
   Small modification to the routine that extracts the gecos field,
   to look for a comma as well as a space as a word separator.

7/ Modification suggested by stephenf at>
   Modification suggested by Hugues Leroy <>
   A previous version of mp had a slightly different format for net
   news articles. The top banner contained the text "Article from ..."
   This has been reinstated as an option (-a). See the mp manual page
   for more details.

Thanks to the above people for the bug reports, fixes and suggestions.

Feed this file to Larry Walls' patch program, then recompile.


------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
*** original/README	Mon Apr  3 14:52:30 1989
--- README	Mon Apr 10 13:22:22 1989
*** 35,43 ****
  Buchanan added support for printing in filofax and Time Manager format.
  Thanks go also to Bill Shannon, Roger De Salis, L. Jill Debord, Frederick
! Avolio, Mark Prior, Stephen Frede, Craig Bishop and David Fiedler for bug
! reports and/or bug fixes. I'm grateful to all these people, plus everybody
! who has suggested enhancements, and fixed bugs in the previous versions.
  I welcome further bug reports and suggestions for improvements.
--- 35,44 ----
  Buchanan added support for printing in filofax and Time Manager format.
  Thanks go also to Bill Shannon, Roger De Salis, L. Jill Debord, Frederick
! Avolio, Mark Prior, Stephen Frede, Craig Bishop, Jimmy Aitken, Hugues Leroy
! and David Fiedler for bug reports and/or bug fixes. I'm grateful to all
! these people, plus everybody who has suggested enhancements, and fixed bugs
! in the previous versions.
  I welcome further bug reports and suggestions for improvements.
*** original/mp.1	Mon Apr  3 14:52:30 1989
--- mp.1	Mon Apr 10 13:22:22 1989
*** 1,4 ****
! .\" @(#)mp.1 1.3 89/04/03
  .TH MP 1L "28 December 1988"
  mp \- Postscript pretty printer
--- 1,4 ----
! .\" @(#)mp.1 1.4 89/04/10
  .TH MP 1L "28 December 1988"
  mp \- Postscript pretty printer
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,13 ----
  .B mp
+ .B \-a
+ ]
+ [
  .B \-d
*** 98,103 ****
--- 101,114 ----
  .in -1.0i
+ .TP
+ .B \-a
+ The file on standard input is a news article, and should be printed with
+ "Article from
+ .I newsgroup
+ " in the top banner, where
+ .I newsgroup
+ is the first news group found on the Newsgroups: line.
  .B \-d
  The file on standard input is a digest so print accordingly.
*** original/mp.c	Mon Apr  3 14:52:30 1989
--- mp.c	Mon Apr 10 13:22:20 1989
*** 1,5 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mp.c 1.5 89/04/03" ;
  /*  Takes a mail file, a news article or an ordinary file
--- 1,5 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)mp.c 1.6 89/04/10" ;
  /*  Takes a mail file, a news article or an ordinary file
*** 35,45 ****
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/file.h>
- #include <string.h>
  #include <time.h>
  #include <pwd.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL   2
  #define  FPRINTF      (void) fprintf    /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF       (void) printf
--- 35,44 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <sys/file.h>
  #include <time.h>
  #include <pwd.h>
! #define  PATCHLEVEL   3
  #define  FPRINTF      (void) fprintf    /* To make lint happy. */
  #define  PRINTF       (void) printf
*** 64,71 ****
  time_t time() ;
  struct passwd *mypass ;
  struct tm *localtime() ;
! char *asctime(), *getlogin(), *gets() ;
! char gecos[MAXLINE] ;        /* Probably the real name to use */
  char mf[MAXLINE] ;           /* "[Mail,News,Listing] for ". */
  char nextline[MAXLINE] ;     /* Next line of the mail message. */
  char progname[MAXLINE] ;     /* Name of this program. */
--- 63,69 ----
  time_t time() ;
  struct passwd *mypass ;
  struct tm *localtime() ;
! char *asctime(), *getlogin(), *gets(), *strcpy(), *strncpy() ;
  char mf[MAXLINE] ;           /* "[Mail,News,Listing] for ". */
  char nextline[MAXLINE] ;     /* Next line of the mail message. */
  char progname[MAXLINE] ;     /* Name of this program. */
*** 76,81 ****
--- 74,80 ----
  enum print_type ptype ;     /* Type of printing to do. */
+ int article = 0 ;           /* Set for news in "Article from " format. */
  int digest = 0 ;            /* Set if we are printing a mail digest. */
  int fflag = 0 ;             /* Set if mail message is from the user. */
  int filofax = 0 ;           /* Set if we are printing a filofax file. */
*** 106,112 ****
  char **argv ;
    char tmpstr[MAXLINE] ;   /* Temporary variable. */
!   int t1, t2 ;             /* Temporary variables. */
    long clock ;             /* Used by the localtime function call. */
    struct tm *tm ;          /* Used by the localtime and asctime calls. */
--- 105,111 ----
  char **argv ;
    char tmpstr[MAXLINE] ;   /* Temporary variable. */
!   int t2 ;                 /* Temporary variable. */
    long clock ;             /* Used by the localtime function call. */
    struct tm *tm ;          /* Used by the localtime and asctime calls. */
*** 122,128 ****
    while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, pf) != NULL)
        PRINTF("%s", nextline) ;    /* Check for new line or page length. */
!       t1 = sscanf(nextline, "%s %d", tmpstr, &t2) ;
        if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%PageLength") == 0)
          plen = t2 ;               /* Change the page length. */
        else if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%LineLength") == 0)
--- 121,127 ----
    while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, pf) != NULL)
        PRINTF("%s", nextline) ;    /* Check for new line or page length. */
!       SSCANF(nextline, "%s %d", tmpstr, &t2) ;
        if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%PageLength") == 0)
          plen = t2 ;               /* Change the page length. */
        else if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%LineLength") == 0)
*** 161,166 ****
--- 160,166 ----
    else endpage() ;
    PRINTF("%%%%Trailer\n") ;
    PRINTF("%%%%Pages: %1d\n",tpn) ;
+   exit(0) ;
*** 229,235 ****
            default     : PRINTF("%c",s[i]) ;
                          n++ ;
!       if (!(i % llen) && i)
            eol = 1 ;
            if (filofax || timeman) eol = tabled(s) ;
--- 229,235 ----
            default     : PRINTF("%c",s[i]) ;
                          n++ ;
!       if (!(n % llen) && n)
            eol = 1 ;
            if (filofax || timeman) eol = tabled(s) ;
*** 253,258 ****
--- 253,262 ----
        if (argv[0][0] == '-')
          switch (argv[0][1])
+             case 'a' : ptype = PRINTNEWS ;            /* Print news article. */
+                        article = 1 ;        /* "Article from" in top banner. */
+                        STRCPY(mf, "Article from ") ;
+                        break ;
              case 'd' : digest = 1 ;                   /* Print mail digest. */
                         break ;
              case 'e' : if (!strcmp(&argv[0][2], "lm"))
*** 343,349 ****
            spaces = 0 ;
            while (i < 18)
!               if (username[i] == ' ')
                    spaces++ ;
                    if (spaces == 2)
--- 347,353 ----
            spaces = 0 ;
            while (i < 18)
!               if (username[i] == ' ' || username[i] == ',')
                    spaces++ ;
                    if (spaces == 2)
*** 365,370 ****
--- 369,375 ----
  char *s ;
    char first[MAXLINE] ;
+   int i, n ;
    useline() ;
    SSCANF(s,"%s",first) ;
*** 371,379 ****
    PRINTF("BoldFont (%s) show PrimaryFont (",first) ;
    expand(&s[strlen(first)]) ;
    endline() ;
    if (!strcmp("Date:", first))
      defwrite("TimeNow", &s[strlen(first)]) ;
!   if (!strcmp("Subject:",first) && !subject)
        PRINTF("/Subject (") ;
        expand(&s[strlen(first)]) ;
--- 376,396 ----
    PRINTF("BoldFont (%s) show PrimaryFont (",first) ;
    expand(&s[strlen(first)]) ;
    endline() ;
+   if (!strcmp("Newsgroups:", first) && article)
+     {
+       n = strlen(first)+1 ;
+       for (i = n; i < strlen(s); i++)
+         if (s[i] == ',' || s[i] == '\0') break ;
+       STRNCPY(username, &s[n], i-n) ;
+       username[i-n] = '\0' ;
+       defwrite("User", username) ;
+     }
    if (!strcmp("Date:", first))
      defwrite("TimeNow", &s[strlen(first)]) ;
!   if (!strcmp("Subject:",first) && !strlen(subject))
        PRINTF("/Subject (") ;
        expand(&s[strlen(first)]) ;
*** 510,517 ****
  usage()     /* Print usage message and exit. */
!   FPRINTF(stderr,"Usage: %s [-d] [-elm] [-f] [-from] [-m] [-mh] ", progname) ;
!   FPRINTF(stderr, "[-n] [-o] [-p prologue] [-t] [-v] [-?]\n") ;
    exit(1) ;
--- 527,534 ----
  usage()     /* Print usage message and exit. */
!   FPRINTF(stderr,"Usage: %s [-a] [-d] [-elm] [-f] [-from] [-m] ", progname) ;
!   FPRINTF(stderr, "[-mh] [-n] [-o] [-p prologue] [-t] [-v] [-?]\n") ;
    exit(1) ;

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