CNews problems

Dave Decot decot at hpisod2.HP.COM
Sat Dec 9 11:17:29 AEST 1989

> >I'm reluctant to do so as default, however, on the assumption that the
> >umask is usually set for a good reason.
> and what was the good reason berzerkeley used to change the behavior
> of chmod so that it used the umask?

For the reason that the user has set their umask that way for a good (to
them) reason.  Sloppy users and scripts who do "chmod +x" when they
really meant "chmod u+x", as evidenced by their umask, are likely to
get themselves in trouble if +x is taken to mean "a+x".

The current draft of POSIX.2 requires the umask to be consulted when
the "who" part of the mode specification is omitted.

Dave Decot

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