Looking for psroff patches 1-4.

Frank Mayhar frank at ladcgw.ladc.bull.com
Fri Dec 29 11:29:46 AEST 1989

I've looked on uunet, I've looked on osu-cis.  Can anyone tell me where I
can find patches 1 through 4 for psroff?  (I have patch 5, I need the rest.)
Also, has anyone gotten psroff to work on a Sun 386i?  The "dit2catwid"
program core dumps on mine.  Thanks in advance!
Frank Mayhar  frank at ladc.bull.com (..!{uunet,hacgate,rdahp}!ladcgw!frank)
              Bull HN Information Systems Inc.  Los Angeles Development Center
              5250 W. Century Blvd., LA, CA  90045    Phone:  (213) 216-6241

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