popi patchlevel 3

Mathew Yeates mathew at jane.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Sat Dec 30 05:53:31 AEST 1989

In article <2347 at pear.ecs.clarkson.edu> nelson at sun.soe.clarkson.edu writes:
>The routine ImgAlloc found in io.c seems to have a bug.  First it mallocs
>an array of pointers, then fills that array in with more malloced pointers.
>Now, since the array is accessed using the y coordinate, you would think
>that the size of the array would be related to Ysize.  Instead, a reference
>is made to Xsize (See below).  This seems wrong to me.
>pixel_t **
>    pixel_t		**img,
>    			**linep,
>			**imgend;
>    noerr = TRUE;
>    if ((img = (pixel_t **) LINT_CAST(Emalloc((unsigned)Xsize * sizeof(pixel_t *)))) == 0)
>	return (pixel_t **) 0;
>    imgend = &img[Ysize];
>    for (linep = img; linep != imgend; ++linep)
>	*linep = (pixel_t *) Emalloc((unsigned)Xsize * sizeof (pixel_t));

yes this is incorrect. The first should be Y, the second X.

mathew at jane.jpl.nasa.gov 

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