Zmodem upload problems

Paul E. Leclerc pel at unhd.UUCP
Sun Dec 24 09:56:39 AEST 1989

>In article <80 at ucunix.SAN.UC.EDU>, rainwatr at (Don
>Rainwater) writes:
>> 	I have a VAX 8650 running Ultrix 3.0.  Terminal connections are
>> via DECservers.  My port is running at 19.2k, and my "terminal" is a Mac II.
>> The Mac is running ZTerm .85, and I have the rzsz package from 5/89
>> running on the Ultrix system.
>> 	I'm able to download (sometimes very large) files from Ultrix
>> without any trouble, but uploads don't even get past the first byte.
>> The error I get is "ZRPOS=0".  I have the same problem trying to upload
>> from an IBM/PC-AT compatible running DSZ, so I think we can eliminate
>> the Mac from the list of suspects.
>> 	Has anyone been able to successfully upload files to an Ultrix
>> (or other Unix) host?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Kermit is
>> just too slow.

Try doing an sz -e file.    -e says to escape characters that might
be special to things like terminal servers.  I don't use Zterm so
I don't know if that is possible.   It has worked for me when
I have to go through ethernet terminal servers.

          Paul Leclerc
Paul Leclerc,  Computer Specialist III |Bitnet:    P_LECLERC at UNHH.BITNET
University of NH                       |UUCP:      ...uunet!unh!pel

Paul Leclerc,  Computer Specialist III |Bitnet:    P_LECLERC at UNHH.BITNET
University of NH                       |UUCP:      ...uunet!unh!pel

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