PAX : Too many open files

Wietse Z. Venema wietse at wzv.UUCP
Tue Feb 14 18:53:29 AEST 1989

gnu at hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) added:
>wietse at wzv.UUCP (Wietse Z. Venema) wrote:
>> < 		close(dirp);
>> ---
>> > 		closedir(dirp);
>Note that the problem would've been found a long time ago had this program
>been checking the results of its system calls...  

This particular type of problems (wrong function/argument) can be found
even earlier by checking the result of lint(1).  Strongly recommended.
work:	wswietse at eutrc3.uucp	| Eindhoven University of Technology
work:	wswietse at heitue5.bitnet	| Mathematics and Computing Science
home:	wietse at wzv.uucp		| 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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