Bug in PD diff for RCS (cdiff)

Marc Ries ries at arcturus
Thu Feb 23 03:51:46 AEST 1989


   There are atleast two (possibly trivial) problems with this 
   version of diff:

     1) Incompatibility with the "real" diff -c option:

          diff -c f1 f2   => works
         pdiff -c f1 f2   => "Usage: diff [-options] file1 file2"
         [hint: getopt]

     2) Munged file name headers with the -c option, thus
        causing "patch" to puke:

        UNIX diff -c output:

           *** readme	Wed Feb 22 09:23:35 1989     <= note
           --- readme2	Wed Feb 22 09:23:07 1989     <= note
           *** 17,23 ****
           [.. deleted ..]
        PD  diff -c output:

           *** pdiff                                 <= note ?!?
           --- -c2
           *** 18,22
           [.. deleted ..]

           [hint: fileAname != pdiff, fileBname != -c2]

Marc Ries
TRW Defense Systems Group/HMI
UUCP: ...!spp2!ries at trwspp.UUCP

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