PAX won't make on my UNIX PC

Mark H. Colburn mark at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG
Tue Feb 7 15:08:06 AEST 1989

In article <550 at kosman.UUCP> kevin at kosman.UUCP (Kevin O'Gorman) writes:
>I just got PAX off the net and tried to make it on this here UNIX PC.  It
>says right there in the README that it has been done, so I feel foolish
>that I cannot do it.
>cc complains that <limits.h> cannot be found.  I trace it down to 
>./limits.h including <limits.h> whenever __STDC__ is defined.  I have
>NO WAY that I can tell to undefine this symbol, and I cannot invent
>this file.
>Now what, folks.  The naming situation is tangled, I don't understand
>that __STDC__ symbol, and I don't know what to do.

I would be curious as to what compiler you are using, and what the contents
of you config.h and Makefile are.  If there is a problem, I surely did not
run into it here, but it may well be that my configuration is not quite

Pax was developed and tested on a 3b1 (the one that I am typing on right
now, as a matter of fact).  It is known to compile with the default system
compiler (cc) and the GNU GCC-1.32 compiler.  If you are using the GNU
compiler, then you should have a limits.h in your
/usr/local/lib/gcc-include directory (or whatever you installed it as).
If you do not have gcc (or some other ANSI compiler), then __STDC__ should 
not be defined.  If you are using some other compiler which is defining 
__STDC__, and which does not supply a limits.h, then you should complain 
to the vendor.

Other work-arounds which you can try are to edit the copy of limits.h which
is provided in PAX and remove the line which inludes <limits.h> if __STDC__
is defined.

I will try to provide any help that I can.

Mark H. Colburn                  "Look into a child's eye;
Minnetech Consulting, Inc.        there's no hate and there's no lie;
mark at                there's no black and there's no white."

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