PAX : Too many open files

John Gilmore gnu at hoptoad.uucp
Mon Feb 13 10:20:41 AEST 1989

wietse at wzv.UUCP (Wietse Z. Venema) wrote:
> Just found a mistake in the code; where closedir() should be called, the
> program invokes the close() function...
> < 		close(dirp);
> ---
> > 		closedir(dirp);

Note that the problem would've been found a long time ago had this program
been checking the results of its system calls...  (Yes, Virginia, a "close()"
CAN fail!)
Copyright 1989 John Gilmore; you may redistribute only if your recipients may.
(Watergate, Stargate, and now BIXgate?  Copyleft your work to avoid abuse!)
John Gilmore    {sun,pacbell,uunet,pyramid,amdahl}!hoptoad!gnu    gnu at

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