Perl 2.0 problem

Tim J Ihde tim at
Wed Feb 8 02:24:37 AEST 1989

In article <4349 at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV> lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (Larry Wall) writes:
>In article <744 at> tim at (Tim J Ihde) writes:
>: Am I missing some patches?  We just downloaded this from the archives
>: recently, so I wouldn't be suprised.
>There are 18 patches for 2.0 perl.

I retrieved all the patches from your server, and applied them in turn.
However, I still got the core dump when running base.lex.  After trying
various things, I decided to try compiling again with -g and running under
sdb.  Low and behold, this fixed the problem.  More specifically, removing
the -O for debugging solved the problem.

In other words, be cautious with the optimizer when compiling perl on a
3B2/600 running System V 3.1.1.  It looks like there are problems.  You
might want to consider asking the installer in Configure if (s)he wants
to use the optimizer or not.

>(By the way, I'm posting this from the terminal room at USENIX.  Fun!)

Gee, some guys get all the excitement. :-)

>Larry Wall

Tim J Ihde				INTERNET:   tim at
(201) 898-6687				UUCP:	    att!attdso!tim
"Blimey - this redistribution of wealth is more complicated than I'd thought!"
		- Dennis Moore and various Presidents

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